About me and this blog

The 15mm Warfare blog is intended for players of or people interested in the game Flames of War by Battlefront Miniatures Limited. For more information about this game, go here.

My intention with this blog is to learn about the game. That might seem odd, but I find that I learn better by laying my thoughts down in written form. Hopefully the blog format will enable other people to learn as well, or perhaps even teach. I will discuss strategies, army lists and everything else about the game. I will also venture into the hobby itself, with painting, basing, coverting and all kinds of goodness.

A bit about myself. My name is Fredrik and I'm a 31 year old Swede who has been gaming since I was about 9. My introduction to gaming came during long car rides with my relatives. My cousin and I used to bring those old "make your own adventure" books, where one of us would act as a make shift game master and read the book, while the other person made the decisions. At the age of 12 I discovered standard roleplaying games and started playing a bunch of Swedish games from Target Games. I still practice this hobby as often as I am able. In my teenage years I drifted into the collectable miniature game genre, playing the various Warhammer games and a lot of board games.

Two years ago, a friend of mine told me about Flames of War, a game that combined two of my greatest hobbies - gaming and history. I was a bit reluctant at first, as the hobby demands quite a significant time investment, but I soon found it was simply irresistable. I purchased a big box with a US Rifle company and have been adding to the collection ever since.

Playing Flames of War is good fun, but can be kind of tricky. I am not a terribly well versed player, having no experience from the tournament scene. I went into this expecting to get my butt kicked, and have taken my many defeats with grace (ehrm). Hopefully, in writing this blog I will get better, but that might just be wishful thinking.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back and we'll talk about it.


    Joel Houston
